Sunday, October 28, 2007


Again, I post in exam time. Well it starts Thursday and I am honestly not looking forward to it. A first; I know.

So why post?
Chalk, that's why:)

Weird that almost no-one would know what the 2nd previous line means and that the person that actually knows, would never read this.

Ja. The Information Generation will never really have all the info, now would it?
Time is running and I'm doing everything I can to catch up (never been the athletics type). So one day I'll climb in my Zonda and bring time back to where it should be: one step behind.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Vacation, well partly...

Last paper was written today!!
It was... I can't remember, too tired.
Oh yea, Afrikaans Language. Right...

Anyway I'm on leave from school for three weeks and very asleep.
Bomber about the passport thing not being sorted out yet.
Or sound card still missing, but I plan to start quite soon on that problem, if I could keep thine eyes open and thine belly silent ;) (and yes, the bunderbus is tugged away, very very far far away)

Well not much to say other than that Marie biscuits aren't very filling to a very hungry teenager.

LG [to food]

Friday, June 15, 2007


Ok, so while network is still going...

Still have 5 more papers left and then the games are on!
It's seriously cold with max of 15 degrees or less.
Rain is good, thus studying is bad.

Whole country is striking and we almost had another threat, today, at school.
We're clinging to our answering papers, unless it's LO;)

Found ol' friend on mxit, chatting the day away...
So network was working and I'm praying this gets posted.

Time to check. Luv LG

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Hallo, again

Long time, no update.

Eksamen is in full swing en dit gaan nie so goed nie.
Bio, Eng taal en Wisk is klaar.
Nou bly daar nog net ag vraestelle oor.

Vandag ons laaste game vir die kwartaal gespeel en gewen (3-0)!
Ek moet net weer leer om te tackle en dan sal alles weer fine wees.

Julle onthou die asma ding toe ek klein was?
Wel ek dink ek mag dalk regtig asma hê.
So bietjie bad gegaan by oefening. Pyn onder my sternum gekry :(

Hey, Jaco, jy moet kyk of jy "Aerodinamics" van Darft Punk kan vind.
Daar is 'n baie nice solo in!

Het vir Louw-en-tjie die foto's van julle by die pub gewys.
He he he.
Julle hou van groen né?

Die Jood van Dorot is weer in RSA, so Pa is nie baie hier nie.
Ma sê wat sy gewoontlik sê: "Ek is mos altyd ok."
En Cledan is baie bored.
Ek wil met haar speel, maar ek moet leer...

So dis stil hier, ok nie regtig nie. Nie met die reën en stuff nie.
Jeug was weer lewendig. NG praat oor groot doop.
En my vriende praat nie regtig met my nie, maar dis fine.

Dis basies wat sover gebeur het en stuff.
Chat weer... LG;^]

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wed nes day minus the wet

"nes": (F), born.

Wednesday is the day of the week between Tuesday and Thursday. The name comes from the Old English Wódnesdæg meaning the day of Woden, commonly known as Odin in Modern English. The astrological sign of the planet Mercury represents Wednesday, which was Dies Mercurii to the Romans. In English, this became Woden's Day, since the Roman god Mercury was identified with the Germanic god Woden in northern Europe.
- Wikipedia

Well, no-one I know was actually born today, so never mind that.
Ever been so tired and stressed that you are past the depressed part and into the happy-go-lucky / nothing can stop me now
I think a new instance of sanity neediness has been born on a

Anyway, I was walking along the school fence after (for those who do not trust me) school, when a Primary school child shouted: "Wha up my n****!"
Cute?, frown, continue walking. I mean this happens everyday, doesn't it?
Just minding your own business when some grade 8/9 boy tells the whole world about his mother's ....
And what happens? His friends giggle and you feel like slapping the curses out of his tiny brain. Nothing more.
This is school. And I'm sounding like a klooster koek, but do I care? No.

There goes the "nothing can stop me now" stage :|

It looks as if it's going to rain, but the clouds are proving quite resilliant today.
So, homework isn't going to get done by itself...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ma & Dokter

Wel, Ma was by die dokter (finally)
en hy sê dat sy is fine en ons hoef oor niks te worry nie.

Die ding is net dat sy nie weer gaan kan bestuur nie.

Hulle kan 'n operasie doen (om oog spiere reg te maak), maar dis nie te sê dat dit sal werk nie en daar is 'n moontlikheid dat dit eintlik haar oë kan erger maak.

Die ander opsie is as hulle vir haar 'n spesiale bril laat maak met 'n prisma in. Natuurlik
sal die bril baie duur wees en dit sal lank en baie probeer-en-tref_erig wees. Aangesien sy in twee rigtings nie lekker kan sien nie.

Hy het aanhoudend gesê dat dit 'n baie ligte beroerte was, en dat sy ongelukkig nie so gou herstel het as wat hy gehoop het nie. Sy mag dalk nie verder herstel as die toestand waarin sy nou is nie, maar ons kan nog altyd help deur om aantehou bid.

Verder gaan dit redelik rustig hier met die exception van die usual... wel julle weet.
Ek try franticly om Bio te leer, maar ek dink julle weet hoe dit gaan op die oomblik. Ek het totally my leerwerk vir Wisk vergeet toe ons toets skryf en het 2/3 van die vreastel nie eers geantwoord nie. Maar dis net 'n klastoets.

So ja, as ek iets vergeet het oor Ma&Dokter sal ek julle later later weet.

LG out

Sunday, May 27, 2007

The day after

Wel na amper nul ure se slaap is ons weer aan die gang.

Almal, en ek bedoel almal, dink aan jou, Cliac, en stuur groete. T. Vanessa dink die hele tyd dat sy vir jou sien in die diens.

Ek moet nog werk, maar het nou net weer wakker geword, soos joulle ook seker, en is bored out of me witts. Ek hoop julle is nog fine. Die hond is nog 'n bietjie bek af, Pa eet alweer en Ma het nog nie haar Hannepoort in nie.

So ek sal maar moet begin te swot en na die res van die wêreld omsien (met alkohol).

Saturday, May 26, 2007


So hey, the start of a new blog.
Usually a happy and historic moment in a user's life.
He, he.
Oh contré...

Hey Boeties + Grea!
So Cliac is weg, so is Zodan en Panthera.
Ten minste 'n goeie opstyg gewees.
Broederloos sit ek hier en luister The Hardway deur DC Talk.
Oi. Môre gaan bad wees, maar dis eers oor 'n paar uur.
Ouers is nog so bietjie shacken, en Cledan was verlig om meeste van ons te sien.
Jou horlosie het so pas afgegaan. Sal dit moet verander. Ek neem aan dat ek die watch kan leen.
Anyway, sal m
ôre update oor wat die kerk mense gesê het.
Gaan nou take doen... Bye